In the world of hairstyling, the attention to fiscal issues, the fight against abusive and the promotion of the well-being of professionals and customers are issues of extreme importance to which Martom Deluxe Hair Code feels very close.

HairLobby, an association founded with the aim of protecting, promoting and representing the interests of companies in the Hairdressers sector, has set itself the arduous task of facing these challenges and carrying out the manifesto “United to change”.

Martom, our hair care brand, is proud to actively support this initiative, led by passionate people and determined to make the difference.

HairLobby: an association for the future of hairdressers

The importance of the hairdressing sector in Italy cannot be underestimated. With over 95,000 salons distributed throughout the country and more than 190,000 employees, the world of hairstyling plays a crucial role in the Italian economy. However, for too long, some fundamental issues have been neglected.

The key points of the Manifesto “United for Change”

The “United for Change” Manifesto by HairLobby focuses on six key points that represent a step towards a better future for Hairdressers and their customers:

1. Tax Action: HairLobby calls for an alignment of VAT on manual services, bringing it into line with other production sectors and EU directives.

2. Fight against Abusivism: the creation of a Professional Register is proposed to combat abusive practices and ensure the quality of services.

3. Maternity Support: HairLobby is committed to supporting women entrepreneurs in the hairstyling sector in the event of prolonged absence from work due to maternity.

4. Professional Register: Hairdressers ask for a Professional Register that guarantees the necessary skills for the profession and obtaining new business licenses.

5. Monitoring of Training Standards: HairLobby monitors training standards through appropriate certification of trainers.

6. Promotion of the Profession: the promotion of the art of hairstyling is a shared goal to grow the industry.

Martom: a commitment to the defense of the Hairdressers Sector

Martom, as a brand committed to the hair care sector, recognizes the importance of supporting HairLobby and its initiatives.

The defense of the Hairdressers industry is crucial to ensure a healthy and prosperous environment for professionals and customers.

Martom has actively engaged with HairLobby. The words of the founder of Martom, Franco Fronzuti: “I want to remind the whole world that Martom as a brand, alongside other important brands in the sector, actively supports the activities of HairLobby as a company that is interested in the protection of the sector.”

The defence of the Hairdressers sector is a shared responsibility. Every step forward, every positive change, represents an improvement for everyone. The voice of every professional makes a difference and together we can do great things. Discover the world of Martom and our values.

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